PC Shareware 1997 February
PC Shareware 1997-02.iso
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2,793 lines
Type ScreenLayout
Dim curItem As Integer
Dim ScreenWidth As Integer
Dim ScreenHeight As Integer
' METHODS for object: ScreenLayout
Sub Clear
' Destroy all embedded layout items
Dim wli As WindowLayoutItem
For Each wli EmbeddedIn Me
End Sub
Sub DebugRestoreLayout()
Dim wli As WindowLayoutItem
' Restore the saved visibility of all the windows.
For Each wli EmbeddedIn Me
If (wli.wnd) Then wli.wnd.Visible = wli.visible
End Sub
Sub DebugShowLayout()
Dim wli As WindowLayoutItem
' Make all the windows visible, so we can see if they fit in layout.
For Each wli EmbeddedIn Me
If (wli.wnd) Then wli.wnd.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub EnsurePixels()
' The heuristic we'll use to decide whether an item needs to be scaled
' from twips to pixels is whether either of height or width is greater
' than 2000. This gets us away from the dangerous boundary cases where
' an item is saved in pixels, but is still near 1000 pixels in size, and
' also stays away from dependencies on the current screen resolution.
' It does introduce the possibility that a small form saved in twips
' may grow to be huge because we failed to scale it here. Tough.
' Furthermore, if I'm an EnvelopScreenLayout, then I was made at 15
' twips per pixel, period. Otherwise go ahead and use the tpp figure
' from the current display settings (found on Screen object).
Dim WLI as WindowLayoutItem
Dim factorX, factorY As Single
If TypeOf Me Is EnvelopScreenLayout Then
factorX = 15 : factorY = 15
factorX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX : factorY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End If
For Each WLI EmbeddedIn Me
If (WLI.height > 2000) || (WLI.width > 2000) Then
WLI.left_ = WLI.left_ / factorX
WLI.top = WLI.top / factorY
WLI.width = WLI.width / factorX
WLI.height = WLI.height / factorY
End If
Next WLI
End Sub
Function FitsScreen As Boolean
FitsScreen = (ScreenWidth <= Screen.pixelWidth) && (ScreenHeight <= Screen.pixelHeight)
End Function
Sub Mark
' Mark all embedded items as not-visited
Dim wli As WindowLayoutItem
For Each wli EmbeddedIn Me
wli.wnd = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Purge
' Destroy all embedded items that don't have a window recorded.
Dim wli As WindowLayoutItem
For Each wli EmbeddedIn Me
If (wli.wnd = Nothing) Then DestroyObject(wli)
End Sub
Sub RestoreLayout()
' Restore windows' position/visibility as recorded by embedded items.
Dim suspend as new SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
Dim wli As WindowLayoutItem
For Each wli EmbeddedIn Me
If wli.wnd Then
' For non-Form objects, we know they need to be created first.
If Not TypeOf wli.wnd Is Form Then wli.wnd.Visible = wli.visible
If TypeOf wli.wnd Is Window Then
' Children of Window use twip coordinates
With Screen
wli.wnd.Move(wli.left_ * .TwipsPerPixelX, wli.top * .TwipsPerPixelY, wli.width * .TwipsPerPixelX, wli.height * .TwipsPerPixelY)
End With
' Objects that don't inherit from Window use pixel coordinates
wli.wnd.Move(wli.left_, wli.top, wli.width, wli.height)
End If
wli.wnd.Visible = wli.visible
' Notify the window itself, if it has a "ScreenLayoutRestore" method.
If (MethodExists(wli.wnd, "ScreenLayoutRestore")) Then wli.wnd.ScreenLayoutRestore()
catch NotFound(s as string)
End Try
End If
End Sub
Sub SaveExplicitWindow(nm As String)
dim o as Object
' Given the string-name of an object, if it refers to an real object
' and it isn't already recorded, then save it.
o = FindObject(nm)
If o Then
dim wli As WindowLayoutItem
For Each wli EmbeddedIn Me
If wli.wnd = o Then Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub SaveExplicitWindows()
' This method is meant to be overridden to get certain windows saved explicitly.
End Sub
Sub SaveLayout()
' For each window record size/location and visibility information
Dim suspend as new SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
curItem = 1
Mark ' Mark all items as not-visited
' Save all created windows (have a Windows HWND)
Screen.EnumWindows(Me, "SaveWindowFromHwnd")
' Save some windows explicitly
Purge ' Purge items which where not visited by the Save
' Record the screen width & height this layout was saved on
ScreenWidth = Screen.pixelWidth
ScreenHeight = Screen.pixelHeight
End Sub
Sub SaveWindow(wnd As Object)
dim wndItem as WindowLayoutItem
dim wndItemName As String
dim factorX, factorY as Single
' If wnd is a child of Window, its coordinates will be in twips, it will
' need to be converted since all saved coordinates are in pixels.
If TypeOf wnd is Window then
factorX = 1.0 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
factorY = 1.0 / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
factorX = 1
factorY = 1
End If
wndItemName = "Item" & curItem
' Find or make a WindowLayoutItem object to hold the information
wndItem = FindEmbed(Me, wndItemName)
If Not wndItem Then wndItem = EmbedObject(Me, WindowLayoutItem, wndItemName)
' Fill in the information
wndItem.wnd = wnd
wndItem.left_ = wnd.Left * factorX
wndItem.top = wnd.Top * factorY
wndItem.width = wnd.Width * factorX
wndItem.height = wnd.Height * factorY
wndItem.visible = wnd.Visible
curItem = curItem + 1
catch NotFound(s as string)
' This window could not be saved successfully, disregard it.
End Try
End Sub
Sub SaveWindowFromHwnd(ByVal hWnd As Long)
dim o as Object
o = FindObjectFromWindow(hWnd)
If o Then SaveWindow(o)
End Sub
Function ShortName As String
Dim name As String
Dim pos, nextPos As Integer
pos = 1
name = Me
nextPos = Instr(pos, name, ".")
If nextPos > 0 Then pos = nextPos + 1
Loop While nextPos > 0
name = Mid(name, pos)
ShortName = name
End Function
End Type
Type ToolGadget From ButtonGadget
Dim bitmap As New Bitmap
Dim HintText As String
' METHODS for object: ToolGadget
Sub DragAndDrop(o as XferData, x,y as single, state as OleDropState, effect as OleDropEffect)
' Forward all Drag&Drop stuff to ObjectBox
If Parent Then SendEvent Parent.DragAndDrop(o, x, y, state, effect)
End Sub
Sub DragStart(o as XferData, x,y as single)
o.ObjectRef = Me
End Sub
End Type
Type InstallButton From Image
Dim installObject As Window
Dim BmpOpen As New OpenDialog
Dim installBitmap As New Bitmap
Dim SourceModule As String
Dim InstalledSomething As Boolean
Dim TargetPalette As ObjectBox
Dim DefaultBitmap As New Bitmap
Type InstallPair
Dim bitmap As Bitmap
Dim obj As Object
End Type
Property InstallName Get getInstallName As String
Event Install
' METHODS for object: InstallButton
Sub Click()
dim CheckOf as New SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
BevelOuter = "Inset"
InstalledSomething = False
EnumObjectEmbeds(Me, Me, "EnumMethod")
If Not InstalledSomething Then
InfoBox.Message("Install not setup", "Installation configuration not correct.")
End If
BevelOuter = "Raised"
End Sub
Function Config(g as Object) As Boolean
Dim ng as new ControlTools.Gadget
' If we were given an object, then take a guess about
' intended Object, apply it to a local ControlTools.Gadget,
' and call Detailed Edit to give a chance to Reconfigure
If g Then
If IsPrototype(g) Then
ng.GadgetObject = g
Dim od as new ObjDebug
od.Obj = g
ng.GadgetObject = od.ParentObject
End If
ng.GadgetObject = installObject
End If
' Set the bitmap default
ng.bitmap.SetPicture installBitmap.GetPicture
' Edit the gadget. Cancel will leave the GadgetObject empty.
' If not cancel, configure the install object and bitmap
If ng.GadgetObject = "" Then
Config = False
Exit Function
installObject = FindObject(ng.GadgetObject)
installBitmap.SetPicture ng.bitmap.GetPicture
Picture = installBitmap
Config = True
End If
End Function
Function DetailedEdit() As Long
DetailedEdit = Config(Nothing)
End Function
Sub DragAndDrop(source As XferData, x As Single, y As Single, state As OleDropState, effect As OleDropEffect)
dim g as object
g = source.ObjectRef
' Default to "don't accept"
effect = 0
' If DROP ...
If state = "Drop" Then
If Config(g) Then effect = 1
' Accept drop of gadgets and windows
If TypeOf g Is Window Then effect = 1
End If
End Sub
Sub EnumMethod(o as object)
If TypeOf o Is InstallButton.InstallPair && o.obj && o.bitmap Then
installObject = o.obj
If InstallSelObj Then InstalledSomething = True
End If
End Sub
Function getInstallName As String
If installObject Then
getInstallName = IIf(HostObject(installObject), installObject.Name, installObject)
getInstallName = ""
End If
End Function
Sub Install()
dim o as Object
Dim f as New File
Dim m as ObjectModule
m = ModuleManager.ModuleContaining(installObject)
f.FileName = m.FileName
f.FileName = App.Path & f.Name & f.Extension
If f.Exists && Not InstalledSomething Then
If YesNoBox.Message("Duplicate Module", f.FileName & " already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite?") = IDYES Then
m.SaveAs(f.FileName, False)
SourceModule = f.FileName
End If
m.SaveAs(f.FileName, False)
SourceModule = f.FileName
End If
SendEvent TargetPalette.Install(Me)
End Sub
Sub InstallSample(o as Object, b as Bitmap)
dim ng as ControlTools.Gadget
' Move the object into the module containing the "TargetPalette"
AttachObjectToModule(o, TargetPalette)
' Insert a new gadget, at the bottom of the TargetPalette
ng = EmbedObject(TargetPalette, ControlTools.Gadget, UniqueEmbedName(ControlTools.Palette, "SampleGadget"))
ng.GadgetObject = o
End Sub
Function InstallSelObj As Boolean
dim CheckOf as New SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
If YesNoBox.Message("Install", "Do you want to install '" & InstallName & "'?") = IDYES Then
Dim obj as Object
obj = installObject
If TargetPalette = Nothing Then TargetPalette = ControlTools.Palette
Dim okContinue as long
Dim CacheMod as ObjectModule
CacheMod = ModuleManager.CurrentModule
okContinue = False
SendEvent TargetPalette.PreInstall(Me, okContinue)
If okContinue Then
SendEvent Install()
ModuleManager.CurrentModule = CacheMod
End If
Catch InstallFail(reason as string)
MessageBox.Message("Install Failure", reason)
End Try
installObject = obj
InstallSelObj = True
End If
End Function
Sub Reset()
installObject = Nothing
installBitmap.LoadType = "FileBased"
installBitmap.FileName = ""
installBitmap.LoadType = "MemoryBased"
Picture = DefaultBitmap
End Sub
End Type
Type SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
Dim debugger As Object
Dim TrapInterpretiveExceptions As Boolean
Dim TrapSystemExceptions As Boolean
' METHODS for object: SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
Sub Construct(o As Object)
' This code is constructed so it will work whether or not
' the "Debugger" object is present in the system.
debugger = FindObject("Debugger")
If debugger Then
TrapInterpretiveExceptions = debugger.TrapInterpretiveExceptions
TrapSystemExceptions = debugger.TrapSystemExceptions
debugger.TrapInterpretiveExceptions = False
debugger.TrapSystemExceptions = False
End If
End Sub
Sub Destruct()
If debugger Then
debugger.TrapInterpretiveExceptions = TrapInterpretiveExceptions
debugger.TrapSystemExceptions = TrapSystemExceptions
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type HyperControl From Form
' METHODS for object: HyperControl
Sub Resize()
' Place holder for resize code, to get initial size behavior.
End Sub
End Type
Type ScreenLayoutConfigForm From Form
Type BtnDone From Button
' METHODS for object: ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnDone
Sub Click
Parent.ModalResult IDOK
End Sub
End Type
Dim BtnSave As New Button
Dim CbLayouts As New ComboBox
Dim LayoutSet As ScreenLayoutSet
Dim BtnRestore As New Button
Dim BtnSetDefault As New Button
Dim LblLegend As New Label
Dim BtnDelete As New Button
Dim BtnNewLayout As New Button
' METHODS for object: ScreenLayoutConfigForm
Sub AddLayoutToList(o As Object)
' Add last name-component of embedded layout to list.
If o && TypeOf o Is ScreenLayout Then
Dim item, sn As String
sn = o.ShortName
item = IIf(o = LayoutSet.Default__Layout__, "*" & sn, sn)
CbLayouts.AddItem item
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnDelete_Click()
Dim layout As ScreenLayout
layout = SelectedLayout
If layout Then
Dim ynBox As New YesNoBox
If ynBox.Message("Confirm delete layout", "Delete layout: " & SelectedLayoutName & "?") = IDYES Then
End If
CbLayouts.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnNewLayout_Click()
If CbLayouts.Text <> "" && CbLayouts.ItemIndex(CbLayouts.Text) = -1 Then
' The user has typed and name and hasn't saved it.
' Pretend the Save button was clicked
If IsIdentifierValid(CbLayouts.Text) Then BtnSetDefault_Click
' The text in the combobox is an existing layout, or doesn't
' exist, bring up a input dialog to name the layout
Dim id as New InputDialog
Dim HaveGoodName as Boolean
Dim LastBadName as string
HaveGoodName = False
LastBadName = ""
While Not HaveGoodName
If id.Execute("Layout Name", "Enter a name for the new layout", LastBadName) = IDOK Then
If Not IsIdentifierValid(id.Text) Then
Dim err As New MessageBox
err.Message("Invalid Identifier", """" & id.Text & """ is not a valid identifier")
LastBadName = id.Text
' User typed a valid name
HaveGoodName = True
End If
' User hit cancel from the input dialog
Exit Sub
End If
' User type a valid name and hit OK from the input dialog. Put
' the name into the ComboBox, then click the Save then SetDefault
' buttons
CbLayouts.Text = id.Text
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnRestore_Click()
Show : BringToTop
End Sub
Sub BtnSave_Click()
If LayoutSet Then
Dim layoutName As String
layoutName = SelectedLayoutName
If layoutName <> "" Then
ResetList : CbLayouts.Text = layoutName
Show : BringToTop
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnSetDefault_Click()
If LayoutSet Then
If CbLayouts.Text = "" Then ' Clear default layout
LayoutSet.Default__Layout__ = Nothing
Dim layout As ScreenLayout
layout = SelectedLayout ' Set default to selected layout
If layout Then
LayoutSet.Default__Layout__ = layout
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub CbLayouts_DblClick()
End Sub
Sub Execute(layoutSet As ScreenLayoutSet)
If layoutSet Then
' Ensure me and my list are made before resetting the list.
LayoutSet = layoutSet
End If
End Sub
Sub ResetList
If LayoutSet Then EnumObjectEmbeds(LayoutSet, Me, "AddLayoutToList")
End Sub
Sub Resize()
Dim m, mm, hm, l, t, w, h, effWidth As Single
hm = 45 : m = 90 : mm = 180
effWidth = IIf(ScaleWidth < 3500, 3500, ScaleWidth)
w = BtnDone.Width
h = BtnDone.Height
l = effWidth - w - m
BtnDone.Move(l, m, w, h)
t = h + mm
BtnSave.Move(l, t, w, h)
t = t + h + hm
BtnRestore.Move(l, t, w, h)
t = t + h + hm
BtnSetDefault.Move(l, t, w, h)
t = t + h + hm
BtnDelete.Move(l, t, w, h)
t = t + h + hm
BtnNewLayout.Move(l, t, w, h)
LblLegend.Top = ScaleHeight - LblLegend.Height - m
CbLayouts.Move(m, m, l - mm, ScaleHeight - LblLegend.Height - mm)
End Sub
Sub RestoreSelectedLayout()
Dim layout As ScreenLayout
If CbLayouts.Text = "" Then
' If no layout is selected, just do what envelop normally does on startup
layout = SelectedLayout
If layout Then
CbLayouts.Text = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SaveLayoutSetModule
If LayoutSet Then
End If
End Sub
Function SelectedLayout() As ScreenLayout
SelectedLayout = Nothing
If LayoutSet Then
Dim layoutName As String
layoutName = SelectedLayoutName
If layoutName <> "" Then SelectedLayout = FindEmbed(LayoutSet, layoutName)
End If
End Function
Function SelectedLayoutName As String
SelectedLayoutName = ""
If LayoutSet Then
Dim layoutName As String
Dim layout As ScreenLayout
layoutName = CbLayouts.Text
If layoutName = "" Then
layoutName = LayoutSet.DefaultScreenLayoutName
CbLayouts.Text = layoutName
If Instr(layoutName, "*") = 1 Then layoutName = Mid(layoutName, 2)
If Not IsIdentifierValid(layoutName) Then
Dim err As New MessageBox
err.Message("Invalid Identifier", """" & layoutName & """ is not a valid identifier")
Exit Function
End If
End If
SelectedLayoutName = layoutName
End If
End Function
End Type
Type ControlTools
Type Gadget From ToolGadget
Property HintText Get getHintText As String
Property GadgetObject Get getGadgetObject Set setGadgetObject As String
Dim gadgetObject_ As String
Dim SourceModule As String
' METHODS for object: ControlTools.Gadget
Sub Click()
If VerifyExistence Then FormEditor.AddObject = FindObject(GadgetObject)
' Register with ControlTools.Palette so we pushed back up after add is done.
If (TypeOf Parent Is ControlTools.Palette) Then Parent.addingGadget = Me
End Sub
Sub DblClick()
' Auto-embed a copy of our control
dim newObject, addObject As Window
dim name As String
dim suspendTrap As New SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
' Clear "adding" state of FormEditor, but remember object to add
addObject = FindObject(GadgetObject)
FormEditor.AddObject = Nothing
name = UniqueEmbedName(FormEditor.CurForm, addObject)
newObject = EmbedObject(FormEditor.CurForm, addObject, name)
newObject.Left := 60 : newObject.Top := 60
newObject.Width := 900 : newObject.Height := 450
newObject.Caption := name
FormEditor.SelectControl(newObject, False)
End Sub
Sub Destruct()
dim o as Window
' If we represent an object in the controls module, offer to delete it.
o = FindObject(GadgetObject)
If o && (ModuleManager.ModuleContaining(Me) = ModuleManager.ModuleContaining(o)) Then
Dim YNB as new YesNoBox
YNB.message = "Would you like to Destroy '" & GadgetObject & "'?"
If YNB.result = IDYES Then DestroyObject(o)
End If
End Sub
Function DetailedEdit() as long
Dim outcome as long
' Display Wizard Modally if present
CtrlToolGadgetWizard.ng = Me
outcome = CtrlToolGadgetWizard.ShowModal
If outcome = IDCANCEL Then
DetailedEdit = False
DetailedEdit = True
End If
End Try
End Function
Sub DragStart(o as XferData, x,y as single)
o.ObjectRef = Me
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
' Enabling of Control icons is based on a Form being edited.
Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm
End Function
Function getGadgetObject() As String
getGadgetObject = gadgetObject_
End Function
Function getHintText() As String
' If the GadgetObject is not set or can be found, that is the
' hint, otherwise make hint be "<GadgetObject>*" to indicate
' that the object is not available.
getHintText = IIf(Len(GadgetObject) = 0 || FindObject(GadgetObject), GadgetObject, GadgetObject & "*")
End Function
Sub setGadgetObject(s As String)
' Don't allow names of "dynamic"-objects
If (Not Instr(s, "@")) Then gadgetObject_ = s
End Sub
Function VerifyExistence As Long
' Designer's note:
' Would it be worthwile to have VerifyExistence return an
' "error value" (say 1 if NoSourceModule, 2 if BadSourceModule...)
' Instead of the simple True/False?
If FindObject(GadgetObject) Then
' The control exists
VerifyExistence = True
' The control doesn't exist
' Check for SourceModule
If SourceModule <> "" Then
' We know where the control originally came from
' Try to load it
Dim o as Object
o = ModuleManager.LoadModule(SourceModule, False)
If o = Nothing Then
' Something failed in the LoadModule
' We don't have the control and can't get it
VerifyExistence = False
' We loaded the module we expect the control to be in
If FindObject(GadgetObject) Then
' We found the control
VerifyExistence = True
' It's not where we expected
' We don't have the control and it's not where we thought
VerifyExistence = False
' Unload the module that we loaded
End If
End If
' We don't have the control and don't know where to get it
VerifyExistence = False
End If
End If
End Function
End Type
Type Palette From ObjectBox
Dim addingGadget As ControlTools.Gadget
Dim templateGadget As ButtonGadget
Type GadArrow From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ControlTools.Palette.GadArrow
Sub Click()
FormEditor.AddObject = Nothing
State = "Up"
End Sub
Sub DragStart(o as XferData, x,y as single)
' Override ToolGadget's
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.Editing
If (Parent.addingGadget && Not FormEditor.AddObject) Then
Parent.addingGadget.State = "Up"
Parent.addingGadget = Nothing
End If
End Function
End Type
Dim GadButton As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadOptionButton As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadCheckBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadLabel As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadTextBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadListBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadComboBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadHScrollBar As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadScrollBar As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadFrame As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadGauge As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadOle As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadMarkupLayer As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadPictureBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadImage As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadIndentedList As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadObjectHierarchy As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadObjectList As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadObjectCombo As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadFileListBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadFileComboBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadDataControl As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadGLControl As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadRichTextBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadListView As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadTabStrip As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadHyperControl As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadMenu As New ToolGadget
Dim GadInstallButton As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim GadObjectBox As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim Empty As New ControlTools.Gadget
Dim lastGad_ As ButtonGadget
Property DropFeedbackGadget Get getLastGadget Set setLastGadget As Object
Event Install(Package as Object)
Event PreInstall(Package as Object, ok as long, LastMod as Long)
' METHODS for object: ControlTools.Palette
Sub DragAndDrop(o as XferData, x,y as single, state as OleDropState, effect as OleDropEffect)
Dim nm as String
Dim dropObj as object
Dim underPoint As ButtonGadget
Dim suspend as new SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
' Remember the object dropped and the gadget it was dropped on
dropObj = o.ObjectRef
underPoint = AtPoint(x, y)
' Default to "don't accept"
effect = 0
' Don't allow a gadget to be dropped on itself. If no object dropped,
' forget it, also if no gadget under point forget it also.
If Not dropObj || Not underPoint || dropObj = underPoint Then Exit Sub
' If DROP ...
If state = "Drop" Then
' Disable feedback for drop location
DropFeedbackGadget = Nothing
' If gadget from this palette is dropped on another gadget in this
' palette...
If TypeOf dropObj Is ButtonGadget And dropObj.Parent = Me Then
' Swap the positions of control gadgets on same palette
dropObj.Position = underPoint.Position
ElseIf TypeOf dropObj Is Window Then
' If a "Window" is dropped on the palette, make a gadget at the
' drop location, set its "GadgetObject" to the dropped window
' and allow the user to edit it.
Dim ng as ControlTools.Gadget
Dim name as String
Dim installObj as Object
name = IIf(HostObject(dropObj), dropObj.Name, dropObj)
ng = EmbedObject(Me, ControlTools.Gadget, "Gad" & name)
ng.Position = underPoint.Position + 1
catch MatchingFieldCollision
InfoBox.Message("Install Failed", "A control by this name is already installed.")
Exit Sub
End Try
' do a forec layout to ensure that the new addition shows up
ng.GadgetObject = dropObj
' If the edit comes back successfully, move the object into the palette.
' Otherwise, remove the gadget.
installObj = IIf(ng.GadgetObject <> "", FindObject(ng.GadgetObject), Nothing)
If Not installObj Then
Dim f as New File
Dim m as ObjectModule
m = ModuleManager.ModuleContaining(FindObject(ng.GadgetObject))
f.FileName = m.FileName
f.FileName = App.Path & f.Name & f.Extension
If f.Exists Then
If YesNoBox.Message("Duplicate Module", f.FileName & " already exists, are you sure you want to overwrite?") = IDYES Then
m.SaveAs(f.FileName, False)
ng.SourceModule = f.FileName
End If
m.SaveAs(f.FileName, False)
ng.SourceModule = f.FileName
End If
End If
' Reject the drop
Exit Sub
End If
' Accept the drop
effect = 1
ElseIf state = 1 Then ' DRAG LEAVE
' Disable feedback for drop location
DropFeedbackGadget = Nothing
' Accept drop of gadgets and windows
If Not TypeOf underPoint Is ControlTools.Gadget Then Exit Sub
If (TypeOf dropObj Is ButtonGadget && dropObj.Parent = Me) || TypeOf dropObj Is Window Then
' Provide feedback for drop location
effect = 1
DropFeedbackGadget = underPoint
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub GadMenu_Click()
' If there is a form under the sway of the form editor,
' then embed a menu bar within the form if it isn't there
' already
If FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm && FormEditor.CurForm.Visible Then
Dim f as Form
DIm m as Menu
f = FormEditor.CurForm
If f.MenuBar = Nothing Then
f.MenuBar = EmbedObject(f, MenuBar, UniqueEmbedName(f, "menubar"))
m = EmbedObject(f.MenuBar, PopupMenu, "Popup1")
f.MenuBar.InsertPopup(m, "&File", -1)
End If
MenuEdit.ProcessMenu f.MenuBar
End If
End Sub
Function GadMenu_Enable() As Integer
GadMenu_Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm && FormEditor.CurForm.Visible
End Function
Function getLastGadget() as ButtonGadget
getLastGadget = lastGad_
End Function
Sub Install(Package as Object)
If TypeOf Package Is InstallButton Then
dim o as Object
dim b as Bitmap
dim ng as ControlTools.Gadget
o = Package.installObject
b = Package.installBitmap
' Insert a new gadget, at the bottom of the TargetPalette
ng = EmbedObject(Me, ControlTools.Gadget, "Gad" & Package.InstallName)
ng.GadgetObject = o
ng.SourceModule = Package.SourceModule
Throw InstallFail("Object sent to Install is not an InstallButton")
End If
End Sub
Sub KeyDown(keyCode As Integer, ByVal shift As Integer)
If (keyCode = VK_F1) Then Envelop.Help.ShowTopicHelp("Controls_Palette")
End Sub
Sub PreInstall(Package as Object, ok as long)
If TypeOf Package Is InstallButton Then
If FindEmbed(Me, "Gad" & Package.InstallName) Then
ok = False
Throw InstallFail("A ToolGadget already exists for " & Package.InstallName)
ModuleManager.CurrentModule = ModuleManager.ModuleContaining(Me)
ok = True
End If
Throw InstallFail("Object sent to PreInstall is not an InstallButton")
End If
End Sub
Sub setLastGadget(g as ButtonGadget)
If lastGad_ And g <> lastGad_ Then lastGad_.State = 0
lastGad_ = g
If lastGad_ Then lastGad_.State = 1
End Sub
End Type
End Type
Type ToolBitmap From Form
Dim LblBitmap As New Label
Dim TBBitmap As New TextBox
Dim BtnFinish As New Button
Type ImgGraphic From Image
Dim bitmap As New Bitmap
End Type
Dim LblInstruction As New Label
Dim Frame1 As New Frame
Type BTNBrowse From Button
' METHODS for object: ToolBitmap.BTNBrowse
Sub BtnBrowse_Click()
Dim open as New OpenDialog
' Set the title of the open dialog just before we display it.
open.Title = "Configure Tool Gadget"
' Set the filter to look for bitmaps
open.Filter = "Bitmap files|*.bmp"
' If a filename was picked, then remember it
' Let the picture on this wizard preview it
If open.Execute <> IDCANCEL Then
TBBitmap.Text = open.FileName
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type SampleBox From ObjectBox
Dim PreviewTool As New ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolBitmap.SampleBox
Sub Reposition
dim l,t,w,h as long
w = PreviewTool.bitmap.Width * 15
If w > 4125 Then w = 4125
If w < 150 Then w = 150
h = PreviewTool.bitmap.Height * 15
If h > 1575 Then h = 1575
If h < 150 Then h = 150
l = 2850 + ((4125 - w) / 2)
t = 2175 + ((1575 - h) / 2)
Move(l, t, w, h)
End Sub
End Type
Dim BTNPreview As New Button
Dim Caller As InstallButton
' METHODS for object: ToolBitmap
Sub BTNBrowse_Click()
Dim length As Integer
Dim open as New OpenDialog
' Set the title of the open dialog just before we display it.
open.Title = "Configure Tool Gadget"
' Set the filter to look for bitmaps
open.Filter = "Bitmap files|*.bmp"
' If a filename was picked, then remember it
' Let the picture on this wizard preview it
If open.Execute <> IDCANCEL Then
TBBitmap.Text = open.FileName
End If
End Sub
Sub BtnFinish_Click()
If Caller = Nothing Then
Throw NoCaller
Caller.installBitmap.LoadType = "FileBased"
Caller.installBitmap.FileName = TBBitmap.Text
Caller.installBitmap.LoadType = "MemoryBased"
Caller = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Sub BTNPreview_Click()
SampleBox.PreviewTool.bitmap.FileName = TBBitmap.Text
End Sub
End Type
Type ToolPalette From ObjectBox
Property DropFeedbackGadget Get getLastGadget Set setLastGadget As Object
Dim lastGad_ As ButtonGadget
Type AlignGadget From ToolGadget
Dim alignType As Long
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.AlignGadget
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 1
End Function
End Type
Dim AlignR As New ToolPalette.AlignGadget
Dim AlignT As New ToolPalette.AlignGadget
Dim AlignB As New ToolPalette.AlignGadget
Dim AlignLR As New ToolPalette.AlignGadget
Dim AlignTB As New ToolPalette.AlignGadget
Type SpaceH From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.SpaceH
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 1
End Function
End Type
Type SpaceV From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.SpaceV
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 1
End Function
End Type
Type ToggleGrid From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.ToggleGrid
Sub Click()
FormEditor.GridOn = Not FormEditor.GridOn
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm
If (FormEditor.GridOn) Then State = "Down" Else State = "Up"
End Function
End Type
Type FormEditorUndo From ToolGadget
Property HintText Get getHintText As String
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.FormEditorUndo
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = ObjectEditorMgr.NextUndoItem <> "None"
End Function
Function getHintText() As String
getHintText = "Undo: " & ObjectEditorMgr.NextUndoItem
End Function
End Type
Type FormEditorRedo From ToolGadget
Property HintText Get getHintText As String
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.FormEditorRedo
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = ObjectEditorMgr.NextRedoItem <> "None"
End Function
Function getHintText() As String
getHintText = "Redo: " & ObjectEditorMgr.NextRedoItem
End Function
End Type
Type TouchMode From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.TouchMode
Sub Click()
FormEditor.HitMode = "RgnTouches"
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm
If (FormEditor.HitMode = "RgnTouches") Then
State = "Down"
State = "Up"
End If
End Function
End Type
Type ContainsMode From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.ContainsMode
Sub Click()
FormEditor.HitMode = "RgnContains"
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm
If (FormEditor.HitMode = "RgnContains") Then State = "Down" Else State = "Up"
End Function
End Type
Type CopyGadget From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.CopyGadget
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 0
End Function
End Type
Type Arrange From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.Arrange
Sub Click()
If (FormEditor.NumSelected > 0) Then
End If
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 0
End Function
End Type
Type Raise From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.Raise
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 0
End Function
End Type
Type Lower From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.Lower
Sub Click()
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 0
End Function
End Type
Type ToggleTab From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.ToggleTab
Sub Click()
FormEditor.ShowOrder = Not FormEditor.ShowOrder
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm
End Function
End Type
Type FontSet From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.FontSet
Sub Click()
' Post common font panel to select font
If (FontPicker.Execute() = 1) Then
If FormEditor.NumSelected Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To FormEditor.NumSelected - 1
FormEditor.GetSelected(i).Font = FontPicker.FontRef
Next i
FormEditor.CurForm.Font = FontPicker.FontRef
End If
End If
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm
End Function
End Type
Type FColorSet From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.FColorSet
Sub Click()
' Post common font panel to select font
If (ColorDialog.Execute() = 1) Then
If FormEditor.NumSelected Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To FormEditor.NumSelected - 1
FormEditor.GetSelected(i).ForeColor = ColorDialog.Color
Next i
End If
End If
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.NumSelected > 0
End Function
End Type
Type BColorSet From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.BColorSet
Sub Click()
' Post common font panel to select font
If (ColorDialog.Execute() = 1) Then
If FormEditor.NumSelected Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To FormEditor.NumSelected - 1
FormEditor.GetSelected(i).BackColor = ColorDialog.Color
Next i
FormEditor.CurForm.BackColor = ColorDialog.Color
End If
End If
End Sub
Function Enable() As Integer
Enable = FormEditor.Editing && FormEditor.CurForm
End Function
End Type
Type ToggleObjectBoxEdit From ToolGadget
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette.ToggleObjectBoxEdit
Sub Click()
ObjectBoxEditor.ObjBoxForm.Visible = (State = "Down")
If ObjectBoxEditor.ObjBoxForm.Visible Then ObjectBoxEditor.ObjBoxForm.SetCaption
End Sub
End Type
' METHODS for object: ToolPalette
Sub DragAndDrop(o as XferData, x,y as single, state as OleDropState, effect as OleDropEffect)
Dim nm as String
dim dropObj as object
dim underPoint As ButtonGadget
dropObj = o.ObjectRef
underPoint = AtPoint(x, y)
' Default to "don't accept"
effect = 0
' Don't allow a gadget to be dropped on itself. If no object dropped,
' forget it.
If Not dropObj || dropObj = underPoint Then Exit Sub
' If DROP ...
If state = 3 Then
' Disable feedback for drop location
DropFeedbackGadget = Nothing
' Dropped gadget...
If TypeOf dropObj Is ButtonGadget && dropObj.Parent = Me Then
' Swap the positions of gadgets on same palette
dropObj.Position = underPoint.Position
' Accept the drop
effect = 1
End If
ElseIf state = 1 Then ' DRAG LEAVE
' Disable feedback for drop location
DropFeedbackGadget = Nothing
' Accept drop of ButtonGadgets from OUR PALETTE.
If TypeOf dropObj Is ButtonGadget && dropObj.Parent = Me Then
effect = 1
' Provide feedback for drop location
DropFeedbackGadget = underPoint
End If
End If
End Sub
Function getLastGadget() as ButtonGadget
getLastGadget = lastGad_
End Function
Sub KeyDown(keyCode As Integer, ByVal shift As Integer)
If (keyCode = VK_F1) Then Envelop.Help.ShowTopicHelp("Tools_Palette")
End Sub
Sub setLastGadget(g as ButtonGadget)
If lastGad_ And g <> lastGad_ Then lastGad_.State = 0
lastGad_ = g
If lastGad_ Then lastGad_.State = 1
End Sub
End Type
Type FedArray From Form
Dim Label1 As New Label
Dim Label2 As New Label
Dim Rows As New TextBox
Dim Label3 As New Label
Dim Columns As New TextBox
Dim Label4 As New Label
Dim WidthBox As New TextBox
Dim Label5 As New Label
Dim HeightBox As New TextBox
Dim Label6 As New Label
Dim ResizeBox As New CheckBox
Dim Xoffset As New TextBox
Dim Label7 As New Label
Dim Yoffset As New TextBox
Dim Label8 As New Label
Dim OK As New Button
Dim Cancel As New Button
Dim runMode As Integer
' METHODS for object: FedArray
Sub Cancel_Click()
ModalResult(-1) : Hide
End Sub
Sub OK_Click()
dim r,c,rs,cs,w,h,rz as integer
r = Rows.Text
c = Columns.Text
cs = Xoffset.Text
rs = Yoffset.Text
w = WidthBox.Text
h = HeightBox.Text
rz = ResizeBox.Value
ModalResult(0) : Hide
If (runMode) Then
FormEditor.ArrangeArray(r, c, rs, cs, w, h, rz)
FormEditor.CreateArray(r, c, rs, cs, w, h, rz)
End If
End Sub
Function ShowModal() As Long
dim f strictly as Form
dim w as Window
' Make sure Form is created, so configurations below stick.
If (FormEditor.NumSelected = 1) Then
Caption = "Duplicate control in array pattern"
runMode = 0
ElseIf (FormEditor.NumSelected > 1) Then
Caption = "Arrange controls as an array"
runMode = 1
ShowModal = 0
Exit Function
End If
w = FormEditor.GetSelected(0)
Columns.Text = 1
Rows.Text = FormEditor.NumSelected
Xoffset.Text = 1
Yoffset.Text = 1
WidthBox.Text = w.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
HeightBox.Text = w.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
ResizeBox.Value = 0
f = Me
ShowModal = f.ShowModal()
End Function
End Type
Type DataControl From HyperControl
Dim DataMoveFirst As New Button
Dim DataMovePrev As New Button
Dim DataMoveNext As New Button
Dim DataMoveLast As New Button
Dim DataLabel As New TextBox
Dim ButtonScale As Single
Dim RecordSet As New RecordSet
' METHODS for object: DataControl
Sub DataMoveFirst_Click()
End Sub
Sub DataMoveLast_Click()
End Sub
Sub DataMoveNext_Click()
If RecordSet.EOF Then RecordSet.MovePrev
End Sub
Sub DataMovePrev_Click()
If RecordSet.BOF Then RecordSet.MoveNext
End Sub
Function DetailedEdit() As Long
DetailedEdit = True
End Function
Sub Refresh()
Dim f Strictly as Form
f = Me
End Sub
Sub Resize()
DataMoveFirst.Move(0, 0, ScaleWidth / ButtonScale, ScaleHeight)
DataMovePrev.Move(DataMoveFirst.Width, 0, ScaleWidth / ButtonScale, ScaleHeight)
DataLabel.Move(DataMovePrev.Left + DataMovePrev.Width, 0, ScaleWidth * (ButtonScale - 4) / ButtonScale, ScaleHeight)
DataMoveNext.Move(DataLabel.Left + DataLabel.Width, 0, ScaleWidth / ButtonScale, ScaleHeight)
DataMoveLast.Move(DataMoveNext.Left + DataMoveNext.Width, 0, ScaleWidth / ButtonScale, ScaleHeight)
End Sub
End Type
Type WindowLayoutItem
Dim wnd As Object
Dim top As Single
Dim width As Single
Dim height As Single
Dim visible As Boolean
Dim left_ As Single
End Type
Type HScrollBar From ScrollBar
End Type
Type HelpFile From File
Dim IsShowing As Integer
' METHODS for object: HelpFile
Sub Contents()
If Exists Then
WinHelp(App.MainForm.hWnd, FileName, HELP_FORCEFILE, 0)
WinHelp(App.MainForm.hWnd, FileName, HELP_CONTENTS, 0)
IsShowing = True
End If
End Sub
Sub GotoContext(context As Long)
If Exists Then
WinHelp(App.MainForm.hWnd, FileName, HELP_CONTEXT, context)
IsShowing = True
End If
End Sub
Sub HelpTopics()
If Exists Then
WinHelp(App.MainForm.hWnd, FileName, HELP_FINDER, 0)
IsShowing = True
End If
End Sub
Sub Index()
If Exists Then
WinHelp(App.MainForm.hWnd, FileName, HELP_INDEX, 0)
IsShowing = True
End If
End Sub
Sub Quit()
If IsShowing Then
WinHelp(App.MainForm.hWnd, FileName, HELP_QUIT, 0)
IsShowing = False
End If
End Sub
End Type
Type FontPicker From Form
Dim Cancel As New Button
Dim OK As New Button
Dim NothingButton As New Button
Dim FontRef As Font
Dim Workaround As Font
Dim Sample As New TextBox
Dim ObjList As New ObjectList
Dim BtnNewFont As New Button
Dim AllowNewFont As Boolean
' METHODS for object: FontPicker
Sub BtnNewFont_Click()
Dim ID As New InputDialog
Dim FName As String
Dim GoodName, Cancelled As Boolean
Dim MB As New MessageBox
GoodName = False
Cancelled = False
FName = ""
While Not GoodName && Not Cancelled
If ID.Execute("New Font", "Please Enter a Name for the New Top-Level Font", FName) = IDOK Then
' User Clicked OK. Verify that Font is legal...
FName = ID.Text
If Not ValidName(FName) Then
MB.Message("Invalid Name", FName & " is not valid, please try again.")
' Name is a legal identifier, now check to see if it exists
If FindObject(FName) Then
MB.Message("Invalid Name", "An object named " & FName & " already exists. Please try again.")
' Name is a legal identifier, and isn't used. We're set!
GoodName = True
End If
End If
Cancelled = True
End If
' If the user cancelled, this block will be skipped
If GoodName Then
Dim FD As New FontDialog
' Need to use FindObject to get the top-level font, and not the
' font reference on the button
FD.Font = CopyObject(FindObject("Font"), FName)
If Not FD.Font Then
' FD.Font should ALWAYS be something at this point
If FD.Execute = IDOK Then
' Configuration complete. Reset the ObjList, and select the
' user's new font.
ObjList.SelObject = FD.Font
' They cancelled the FontDialog, ask if they want to keep the font
Dim YNB As New YesNoBox
If YNB.Message("Keep Old Font?", "Do you want to keep " & FName) = IDNO Then
' User doesn't want the font, and it's still in the FontDialog. Whack it!
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Cancel_Click()
Hide() : ModalResult(0)
End Sub
Function Execute() As Integer
ObjList.SelObject = FontRef
BtnNewFont.Visible = AllowNewFont
Execute = ShowModal()
End Function
Sub Load()
' Overcome a serious name conflict
ObjList.RootObject = Workaround
End Sub
Sub NothingButton_Click()
FontRef = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ObjList_Click()
FontRef = ObjList.SelObject
Sample.Font = FontRef
End Sub
Sub ObjList_DblClick()
' Use font dialog to set it
Dim FD As New FontDialog
FD.Title = ObjList.SelObject
FD.Font = ObjList.SelObject
FD.Color = 0
End Sub
Sub OK_Click()
Hide() : ModalResult(1)
End Sub
Function ValidName(ByVal namestr As String) As Boolean
Dim i, char As Integer
' The Empty string is invalid
If namestr = "" Then
ValidName = False
Exit Sub
End If
' Make sure the first Char isn't a number or _
char = Asc(Left$(namestr, 1))
If (char >= 48 && char <= 57) || (char = 95) Then
ValidName = False
Exit Function
End If
' Only legal Chars are Letters (Either Case), Numbers and _. Verify
' That EVERY char in the string is one of these cases.
For i = 1 To Len(namestr)
char = Asc(Mid$(namestr, i, 1))
If (char < 65 || char > 90) && (char < 97 || char > 122) Then
If (char < 48 || char > 57) && (char <> 95) Then
ValidName = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
ValidName = True
End Function
End Type
Type ScreenLayoutSet
Dim Default__Layout__ As ScreenLayout
' METHODS for object: ScreenLayoutSet
Sub AutoRestoreLayout
Dim layout As ScreenLayout
' First check our cached default layout
layout = Default__Layout__
If Not layout || Not layout.FitsScreen Then
' See if there's a layout named exactly "ScreenWxH"
Dim layoutName As String
layoutName = DefaultScreenLayoutName
layout = FindEmbed(Me, layoutName)
If Not layout Then
' OK, last shot. Pick the biggest layout that fits. Uses the
' Default__Layout__ as a scratch-pad reference.
Dim tmpLayout As ScreenLayout
tmpLayout = Default__Layout__
Default__Layout__ = Nothing
EnumObjectEmbeds(Me, Me, "FindBestLayout")
layout = Default__Layout__
Default__Layout__ = tmpLayout
End If
End If
If layout Then layout.RestoreLayout
End Sub
Sub Clear
' Destroy all embedded layouts
Dim sl As ScreenLayout
For Each sl EmbeddedIn Me
End Sub
Function DefaultScreenLayoutName As String
DefaultScreenLayoutName = IIf(Default__Layout__, Default__Layout__.ShortName, "ScreenLayout" & Screen.pixelWidth & "x" & Screen.pixelHeight)
End Function
Sub FindBestLayout(o As Object)
' Compare layout to the previous best layout. If this layout fits
' on screen and covers more area, then it's better. See "AutoRestoreLayout" method
If (TypeOf o Is ScreenLayout) && o.FitsScreen Then
If Not Default__Layout__ Then
Default__Layout__ = o
Dim areaPrev, areaThis As Double
areaPrev = Default__Layout__.ScreenWidth * Default__Layout__.ScreenHeight
areaThis = o.ScreenWidth * o.ScreenHeight
If areaThis > areaPrev Then Default__Layout__ = o
End If
End If
End Sub
Function SaveLayout(layoutName As String) As ScreenLayout
Dim layout As ScreenLayout
SaveLayout = Nothing
' Find or create the embedded layout in me.
layout = FindEmbed(Me, layoutName)
If Not layout Then
layout = EmbedObject(Me, ScreenLayout, layoutName)
If Not layout Then Exit Function
End If
' Tell the layout to save the current screen.
SaveLayout = layout
End Function
End Type
Type SuspendIgnoreExceptions
Dim debugger As Object
Dim IgnoreExceptionsModule As Integer
' METHODS for object: SuspendIgnoreExceptions
Sub Construct(o As Object)
' This code is constructed so it will work whether or not
' the "Debugger" object is present in the system.
debugger = FindObject("Debugger")
If debugger Then
IgnoreExceptionsModule = debugger.IgnoreExceptionsModule
debugger.IgnoreExceptionsModule = -1
End If
End Sub
Sub Destruct()
If debugger Then debugger.IgnoreExceptionsModule = IgnoreExceptionsModule
End Sub
End Type
Type TempTextFile From TextFile
Dim prefix As String
' METHODS for object: TempTextFile
Sub Destruct()
' Delete the file.
End Sub
Function Init() As Boolean
' Generate a unique file name in the TEMP dir.
' OK, we have a unique filename (which might exist).
' Create & open the file empty.
Init = Exists && IsOpen
End Function
Sub InitializeFileName(name As String)
' Does nothing if FileName is already set.
' Otherwise, sets FileName up one of two ways:
' - No given name: generates a unique name of form %TEMP%\tmpXXXXX.tmp
' - Given name: sets name to %TEMP%\name
If FileName = "" Then
Dim result As Long
Dim tmpBuf As New DataBuffer
Dim tempPath As String
Dim pfx As String
tmpBuf.Size = 260
pfx = IIf(prefix = "", "tmp", prefix)
' Get TEMP dir.
result = GetTempPath(tmpBuf.Size, tmpBuf.Data)
If result = 0 || result > tmpBuf.Size Then
Init = False
Exit Function
End If
tempPath = tmpBuf.GetString(0)
If name = "" Then
' Generate temp file name in TEMP dir.
result = GetTempFileName(tempPath, pfx, 0, tmpBuf.Data)
If result = 0 Then
Init = False
Exit Function
End If
FileName = tmpBuf.GetString(0)
FileName = tempPath & name
End If
End If
End Sub
Function InitWithName(name As String) As Boolean
' Prepend the TEMP dir to name and set FileName to that.
' OK, we have a filename in the TEMP dir (which might exist).
' Create & open the file empty. Caller beware! We don't try
' to be nice here: if we can get it, it's gone.
If Exists && ReadOnly Then ReadOnly = False
InitWithName = Exists && IsOpen
End Function
End Type
Begin Code
' Reconstruction commands for object: ScreenLayout
With ScreenLayout
.curItem := 0
.ScreenWidth := 0
.ScreenHeight := 0
End With 'ScreenLayout
' Reconstruction commands for object: ToolGadget
With ToolGadget
.HintText := ""
With .bitmap
.LoadType := "MemoryBased"
End With 'ToolGadget.bitmap
End With 'ToolGadget
' Reconstruction commands for object: InstallButton
With InstallButton
.Move(0, 0, 450, 450)
.BevelOuter := "Raised"
.Outlined := True
.Picture := InstallButton.DefaultBitmap
.installObject := Nothing
.SourceModule := ""
.InstalledSomething := False
.TargetPalette := Nothing
With .BmpOpen
.Title := "Specify bitmap for Sample Icon"
.NoChangeDir := False
End With 'InstallButton.BmpOpen
With .installBitmap
.LoadType := "MemoryBased"
End With 'InstallButton.installBitmap
With .DefaultBitmap
.LoadType := "MemoryBased"
End With 'InstallButton.DefaultBitmap
With .InstallPair
.bitmap := Nothing
.obj := Nothing
End With 'InstallButton.InstallPair
End With 'InstallButton
' Reconstruction commands for object: SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
With SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
.debugger := Nothing
.TrapInterpretiveExceptions := False
.TrapSystemExceptions := False
End With 'SuspendDebugExceptionTrapping
' Reconstruction commands for object: HyperControl
With HyperControl
.Move(0, 0, 3600, 4320)
.Outlined := True
.MaxButton := False
.MinButton := False
End With 'HyperControl
' Reconstruction commands for object: ScreenLayoutConfigForm
With ScreenLayoutConfigForm
.Caption := "Configure Layouts"
.Font := DefaultDialogFont
.Move(4110, 1905, 3810, 2745)
.CancelButton := ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnDone
.MaxButton := False
.LayoutSet := Nothing
With .BtnDone
.Caption := "Done"
.ZOrder := 7
.Move(2505, 90, 1095, 315)
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnDone
With .BtnSave
.Caption := "&Save"
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(2505, 495, 1095, 315)
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnSave
With .CbLayouts
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(90, 90, 2325, 1905)
.Style := "SimpleCombo"
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.CbLayouts
With .BtnRestore
.Caption := "&Restore"
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(2505, 855, 1095, 315)
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnRestore
With .BtnSetDefault
.Caption := "Set de&fault"
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(2505, 1215, 1095, 315)
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnSetDefault
With .LblLegend
.Caption := "* = default screen layout"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(240, 1995, 2130, 195)
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.LblLegend
With .BtnDelete
.Caption := "&Delete"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(2505, 1575, 1095, 315)
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnDelete
With .BtnNewLayout
.Caption := "&New"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(2505, 1965, 1095, 315)
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm.BtnNewLayout
End With 'ScreenLayoutConfigForm
' Reconstruction commands for object: ControlTools
With ControlTools
With .Gadget
.ButtonType := "Exclusive"
.GadgetObject := ""
.gadgetObject_ := ""
.SourceModule := ""
With .bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Gadget.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Gadget
With .Palette
.Caption := "Controls"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(14370, 1125, 915, 6945)
.addingGadget := Nothing
.templateGadget := ControlTools.Gadget
.lastGad_ := Nothing
.DropFeedbackGadget := Nothing
With .GadArrow
.Position := 1
.HintText := "Cancel Add Control"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 0
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadArrow.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadArrow
With .GadButton
.Position := 2
.GadgetObject := "Button"
.gadgetObject_ := "Button"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 404
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadButton.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadButton
With .GadOptionButton
.Position := 3
.GadgetObject := "OptionButton"
.gadgetObject_ := "OptionButton"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 808
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadOptionButton.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadOptionButton
With .GadCheckBox
.Position := 4
.GadgetObject := "CheckBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "CheckBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 1212
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadCheckBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadCheckBox
With .GadLabel
.Position := 5
.GadgetObject := "Label"
.gadgetObject_ := "Label"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 1616
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadLabel.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadLabel
With .GadTextBox
.Position := 6
.GadgetObject := "TextBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "TextBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 2020
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadTextBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadTextBox
With .GadListBox
.Position := 7
.GadgetObject := "ListBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "ListBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 2424
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadListBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadListBox
With .GadComboBox
.Position := 8
.GadgetObject := "ComboBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "ComboBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 2828
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadComboBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadComboBox
With .GadHScrollBar
.Position := 9
.GadgetObject := "HScrollBar"
.gadgetObject_ := "HScrollBar"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 3232
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadHScrollBar.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadHScrollBar
With .GadScrollBar
.Position := 10
.GadgetObject := "ScrollBar"
.gadgetObject_ := "ScrollBar"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 3636
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadScrollBar.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadScrollBar
With .GadFrame
.Position := 11
.GadgetObject := "Frame"
.gadgetObject_ := "Frame"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 4040
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadFrame.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadFrame
With .GadGauge
.Position := 12
.GadgetObject := "Gauge"
.gadgetObject_ := "Gauge"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 4444
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadGauge.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadGauge
With .GadOle
.Position := 13
.GadgetObject := "Ole"
.gadgetObject_ := "Ole"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 4848
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadOle.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadOle
With .GadMarkupLayer
.Position := 14
.GadgetObject := "MarkupLayer"
.gadgetObject_ := "MarkupLayer"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 5252
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadMarkupLayer.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadMarkupLayer
With .GadPictureBox
.Position := 15
.GadgetObject := "PictureBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "PictureBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 5656
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadPictureBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadPictureBox
With .GadImage
.Position := 16
.GadgetObject := "Image"
.gadgetObject_ := "Image"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 6060
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadImage.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadImage
With .GadIndentedList
.Position := 17
.GadgetObject := "IndentedList"
.gadgetObject_ := "IndentedList"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 6464
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadIndentedList.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadIndentedList
With .GadObjectHierarchy
.Position := 18
.GadgetObject := "ObjectHierarchy"
.gadgetObject_ := "ObjectHierarchy"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 6868
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectHierarchy.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectHierarchy
With .GadObjectList
.Position := 19
.GadgetObject := "ObjectList"
.gadgetObject_ := "ObjectList"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 7272
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectList.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectList
With .GadObjectCombo
.Position := 20
.GadgetObject := "ObjectCombo"
.gadgetObject_ := "ObjectCombo"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 7676
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectCombo.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectCombo
With .GadFileListBox
.Position := 21
.GadgetObject := "FileListBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "FileListBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 8080
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadFileListBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadFileListBox
With .GadFileComboBox
.Position := 22
.GadgetObject := "FileComboBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "FileComboBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 8484
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadFileComboBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadFileComboBox
With .GadGLControl
.Position := 23
.GadgetObject := "GLControl"
.gadgetObject_ := "GLControl"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 8888
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadGLControl.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadGLControl
With .GadDataControl
.Position := 24
.GadgetObject := "DataControl"
.gadgetObject_ := "DataControl"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 9292
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadDataControl.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadDataControl
With .GadRichTextBox
.Position := 25
.GadgetObject := "RichTextBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "RichTextBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 14704
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadRichTextBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadRichTextBox
With .GadListView
.Position := 26
.GadgetObject := "ListView"
.gadgetObject_ := "ListView"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 13920
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadListView.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadListView
With .GadTabStrip
.Position := 27
.GadgetObject := "TabStrip"
.gadgetObject_ := "TabStrip"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 14312
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadTabStrip.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadTabStrip
With .GadHyperControl
.Position := 28
.GadgetObject := "HyperControl"
.gadgetObject_ := "HyperControl"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 10100
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadHyperControl.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadHyperControl
With .GadMenu
.Position := 29
.HintText := "Embed Menubar"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 9696
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadMenu.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadMenu
With .GadInstallButton
.Position := 30
.GadgetObject := "InstallButton"
.gadgetObject_ := "InstallButton"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 10504
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadInstallButton.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadInstallButton
With .GadObjectBox
.Position := 31
.GadgetObject := "ObjectBox"
.gadgetObject_ := "ObjectBox"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 12212
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectBox.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.GadObjectBox
With .Empty
.Position := 32
With .bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.Empty.bitmap
End With 'ControlTools.Palette.Empty
End With 'ControlTools.Palette
End With 'ControlTools
' Reconstruction commands for object: ToolBitmap
With ToolBitmap
.Caption := "Configure Tool Gadget"
.Move(1905, 5850, 7245, 4815)
.DefaultButton := ToolBitmap.BtnFinish
.BorderStyle := "Fixed Single"
.Caller := Nothing
With .LblBitmap
.Caption := "Picture file:"
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(2850, 825, 1500, 225)
End With 'ToolBitmap.LblBitmap
With .TBBitmap
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(2850, 1125, 4050, 450)
End With 'ToolBitmap.TBBitmap
With .BtnFinish
.Caption := "Done..."
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(6225, 4050, 825, 300)
End With 'ToolBitmap.BtnFinish
With .ImgGraphic
.ZOrder := 7
.Move(225, 225, 2475, 3150)
.AutoInitCropRect := False
.Picture := ToolBitmap.ImgGraphic.bitmap
.ScrollBars := "Never"
.CropXSize := 165
.CropYSize := 210
With .bitmap
.LoadType := "MemoryBased"
End With 'ToolBitmap.ImgGraphic.bitmap
End With 'ToolBitmap.ImgGraphic
With .LblInstruction
.Caption := "Type a FileName for the bitmap or the ToolGadget, or press Browse..."
.ZOrder := 8
.Move(2850, 300, 4125, 450)
End With 'ToolBitmap.LblInstruction
With .Frame1
.ZOrder := 9
.Move(75, 3825, 6975, 75)
End With 'ToolBitmap.Frame1
With .BTNBrowse
.Caption := "Browse..."
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(2850, 1725, 1050, 375)
End With 'ToolBitmap.BTNBrowse
With .SampleBox
.Caption := "SampleBox"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(4740, 2790, 345, 345)
.Visible := True
With .PreviewTool
.Position := 1
.HintText := "I am a frog"
With .bitmap
.LoadType := "FileBased"
.FileName := "W:\test\objbox\objbox.bmp"
End With 'ToolBitmap.SampleBox.PreviewTool.bitmap
End With 'ToolBitmap.SampleBox.PreviewTool
End With 'ToolBitmap.SampleBox
With .BTNPreview
.Caption := "Preview"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(5625, 1725, 1200, 375)
End With 'ToolBitmap.BTNPreview
End With 'ToolBitmap
' Reconstruction commands for object: ToolPalette
With ToolPalette
.Caption := "Tools"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(5025, 1125, 9315, 645)
.NumColumns := -1
.NumRows := 1
.DropFeedbackGadget := Nothing
.lastGad_ := Nothing
With .AlignGadget
.Enabled := False
.Position := 1
.HintText := "Align Left Edges"
.alignType := 1
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 15096
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignGadget.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignGadget
With .AlignR
.Position := 2
.HintText := "Align Right Edges"
.alignType := 2
With .bitmap
.ResId := 15500
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignR.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignR
With .AlignT
.Position := 3
.HintText := "Align Top Edges"
.alignType := 4
With .bitmap
.ResId := 15904
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignT.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignT
With .AlignB
.Position := 4
.HintText := "Align Bottom Edges"
.alignType := 8
With .bitmap
.ResId := 16308
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignB.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignB
With .AlignLR
.Position := 5
.HintText := "Align Left&Right Edges"
.alignType := 19
With .bitmap
.ResId := 16712
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignLR.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignLR
With .AlignTB
.Position := 6
.HintText := "Align Top&Bottom Edges"
.alignType := 28
With .bitmap
.ResId := 17116
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignTB.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.AlignTB
With .SpaceH
.Enabled := False
.Position := 7
.HintText := "Proportional Horizontal Spacing"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 17520
End With 'ToolPalette.SpaceH.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.SpaceH
With .SpaceV
.Enabled := False
.Position := 8
.HintText := "Proportional Vertical Spacing"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 17924
End With 'ToolPalette.SpaceV.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.SpaceV
With .ToggleGrid
.Position := 9
.State := "Down"
.ButtonType := "NonExclusive"
.HintText := "Toggle Grid"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 18328
End With 'ToolPalette.ToggleGrid.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.ToggleGrid
With .FormEditorUndo
.Enabled := False
.Position := 10
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 18732
End With 'ToolPalette.FormEditorUndo.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.FormEditorUndo
With .FormEditorRedo
.Enabled := False
.Position := 11
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 19136
End With 'ToolPalette.FormEditorRedo.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.FormEditorRedo
With .TouchMode
.Position := 12
.State := "Down"
.ButtonType := "Exclusive"
.HintText := "Selection mode: Region Touches"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 19540
End With 'ToolPalette.TouchMode.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.TouchMode
With .ContainsMode
.Position := 13
.ButtonType := "Exclusive"
.HintText := "Selection mode: Region Contains"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 19944
End With 'ToolPalette.ContainsMode.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.ContainsMode
With .CopyGadget
.Enabled := False
.Position := 14
.HintText := "Copy Controls"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 20348
End With 'ToolPalette.CopyGadget.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.CopyGadget
With .Arrange
.Enabled := False
.Position := 15
.HintText := "Arrange Controls"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 20752
End With 'ToolPalette.Arrange.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.Arrange
With .Raise
.Enabled := False
.Position := 16
.HintText := "Raise Controls"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 21156
End With 'ToolPalette.Raise.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.Raise
With .Lower
.Enabled := False
.Position := 17
.HintText := "Lower Controls"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 21560
End With 'ToolPalette.Lower.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.Lower
With .ToggleTab
.Position := 18
.HintText := "Toggle Tab Order Display"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 21964
End With 'ToolPalette.ToggleTab.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.ToggleTab
With .FontSet
.Position := 19
.HintText := "Set Font on Selected Controls"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 22368
End With 'ToolPalette.FontSet.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.FontSet
With .FColorSet
.Enabled := False
.Position := 20
.HintText := "Set ForeColor on Selected Controls"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 22772
End With 'ToolPalette.FColorSet.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.FColorSet
With .BColorSet
.Position := 21
.HintText := "Set BackColor on Selected Controls"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 23176
End With 'ToolPalette.BColorSet.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.BColorSet
With .ToggleObjectBoxEdit
.Position := 22
.State := "Down"
.ButtonType := "NonExclusive"
.HintText := "Toggle ObjectBox Editing On/Off"
With .bitmap
.FileName := "tools.ero"
.ResId := 23580
End With 'ToolPalette.ToggleObjectBoxEdit.bitmap
End With 'ToolPalette.ToggleObjectBoxEdit
End With 'ToolPalette
' Reconstruction commands for object: FedArray
With FedArray
.Caption := "Duplicate control in array pattern"
.Move(4215, 3180, 5235, 3975)
.Outlined := True
.DefaultButton := FedArray.OK
.CancelButton := FedArray.Cancel
.runMode := 0
With .Label1
.Caption := "Cell layout"
.ZOrder := 8
.Move(150, 150, 1515, 375)
End With 'FedArray.Label1
With .Label2
.Caption := "Cell size"
.ZOrder := 9
.Move(2550, 150, 1515, 375)
End With 'FedArray.Label2
With .Rows
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(1050, 1125, 1050, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Rows
With .Label3
.Caption := "Columns"
.ZOrder := 10
.Move(150, 675, 840, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Label3
With .Columns
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(1050, 675, 1050, 375)
End With 'FedArray.Columns
With .Label4
.Caption := "Rows"
.ZOrder := 11
.Move(150, 1125, 900, 375)
End With 'FedArray.Label4
With .WidthBox
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(3525, 675, 1110, 360)
End With 'FedArray.WidthBox
With .Label5
.Caption := "Width"
.ZOrder := 12
.Move(2550, 675, 750, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Label5
With .HeightBox
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(3525, 1125, 1110, 360)
End With 'FedArray.HeightBox
With .Label6
.Caption := "Height"
.ZOrder := 13
.Move(2550, 1125, 900, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Label6
With .ResizeBox
.Caption := "Size controls to cell"
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(2550, 1650, 2400, 450)
End With 'FedArray.ResizeBox
With .Xoffset
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(1050, 1725, 1050, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Xoffset
With .Label7
.Caption := "X offset"
.ZOrder := 14
.Move(150, 1725, 750, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Label7
With .Yoffset
.ZOrder := 7
.Move(1050, 2175, 1050, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Yoffset
With .Label8
.Caption := "Y offset"
.ZOrder := 15
.Move(150, 2175, 900, 360)
End With 'FedArray.Label8
With .OK
.Caption := "OK"
.ZOrder := 16
.Move(450, 3000, 1650, 450)
End With 'FedArray.OK
With .Cancel
.Caption := "Cancel"
.ZOrder := 17
.Move(3000, 3000, 1650, 450)
End With 'FedArray.Cancel
End With 'FedArray
' Reconstruction commands for object: DataControl
With DataControl
.Move(7515, 5970, 2595, 765)
.ButtonScale := 8
With .DataMoveFirst
.Caption := "<<"
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(0, 0, 309, 360)
End With 'DataControl.DataMoveFirst
With .DataMovePrev
.Caption := "<"
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(309, 0, 309, 360)
End With 'DataControl.DataMovePrev
With .DataMoveNext
.Caption := ">"
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(1855, 0, 309, 360)
End With 'DataControl.DataMoveNext
With .DataMoveLast
.Caption := ">>"
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(2164, 0, 309, 360)
End With 'DataControl.DataMoveLast
With .DataLabel
.BackColor := 12632256
.DragMode := "No Drag"
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(618, 0, 1237, 360)
End With 'DataControl.DataLabel
End With 'DataControl
' Reconstruction commands for object: WindowLayoutItem
With WindowLayoutItem
.wnd := Nothing
.top := 0
.width := 0
.height := 0
.visible := False
.left_ := 0
End With 'WindowLayoutItem
' Reconstruction commands for object: HScrollBar
With HScrollBar
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
.Orientation := "Horizontal"
.Move(0, 0, 0, 0)
End With 'HScrollBar
' Reconstruction commands for object: HelpFile
With HelpFile
.IsShowing := 0
End With 'HelpFile
' Reconstruction commands for object: FontPicker
With FontPicker
.Caption := "Select Font"
.Move(7530, 6855, 3135, 4110)
.Outlined := True
.FontRef := Nothing
.Workaround := Font
.AllowNewFont := True
With .Cancel
.Caption := "Cancel"
.ForeColor := 4227327
.ZOrder := 2
.Move(2115, 3225, 750, 375)
End With 'FontPicker.Cancel
With .BtnNewFont
.Caption := "New"
.ZOrder := 1
.Move(1050, 3225, 900, 375)
End With 'FontPicker.BtnNewFont
With .OK
.Caption := "OK"
.ForeColor := 4227327
.ZOrder := 3
.Move(150, 3225, 750, 375)
End With 'FontPicker.OK
With .NothingButton
.Caption := "Set to ""Nothing"""
.ZOrder := 4
.Move(75, 2700, 2850, 300)
End With 'FontPicker.NothingButton
With .Sample
.Caption := "AaBbYyZz"
.ZOrder := 5
.Move(75, 75, 2850, 825)
End With 'FontPicker.Sample
With .ObjList
.Caption := "ObjList"
.ZOrder := 6
.Move(75, 975, 2850, 1650)
.ShowEmbeds := True
.RootObject := Font
End With 'FontPicker.ObjList
End With 'FontPicker
' Reconstruction commands for object: ScreenLayoutSet
With ScreenLayoutSet
.Default__Layout__ := Nothing
End With 'ScreenLayoutSet
' Reconstruction commands for object: SuspendIgnoreExceptions
With SuspendIgnoreExceptions
.debugger := Nothing
.IgnoreExceptionsModule := 0
End With 'SuspendIgnoreExceptions
' Reconstruction commands for object: TempTextFile
With TempTextFile
.prefix := ""
End With 'TempTextFile
End Code